Theses & Dissertations

Bosetti, Shelley Anne Marie. "The Rural Women's University: Women's Institutes in Alberta from 1909 to 1940." M.Ed. University of Alberta, 1983.

Carbert, Louise I. "Agrarian Feminism: The Politics of Ontario Farm Women." Ph.D. York University, July 1991.

Kechnie, Margaret. "Keeping Things Clean 'For Home and Country': The Federated Women's Institute of Ontario, 1897-1919," PhD. University of Toronto.

Kerrie A. Strathy, “Saskatchewan Women's Institutes: The Rural Women's University, 1911-1986.M.Ed. thesis, University of Saskatchewan, 1987.

Milne, Jennifer. “Cultivating Domesticity: The Homemakers' Clubs Of Saskatchewan, 1911 To 1961.” M.A thesis, University of Saskatchewan, 2004.

Taylor, Georgina. "'Ground for Common Action': Violet McNaughton's Agrarian Feminism and the Origins of the Farm Women's Movement in Canada." Ph.D. Carleton University, 1997.

Wilton, Shauna. "Mothers of the Nation: Manitoba Women and Maternal Nationalism." M.A. Carleton University, 1998.